But, if you are expecting a refund or important information from the IRS, you can change your address via phone or in person. Usually, you can wait and make use of your new address when you file taxes the next year. Since Florida doesn’t charge personal income tax, all that you need to be concerned about is to obtain a change of address in Florida for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to bring their records up to date. Florida laws require that you apply for an address change within 30 days of your move. To change your address, you must bring your license or ID card number, your Social Security number’s last four digits, and your date of birth. If you are holding a commercial driver’s license (CDL), you can only update it in person. You also have the choice to check one of the DMV offices of Florida in person to change the address or register for your driver’s license. You will be required to supply your information and pay a $25 fee at the GoRenew website to obtain a new license.

If you are living in Florida already and just need to update your address, you can just visit the GoRenew website to receive a Florida driver’s license address update online. Remember, you have at most 30 days to finish your driver’s license change of address in Florida, so ensure you get it done promptly. The Florida vehicle registration fee starts from $14.50 – $32.50 depending on your vehicle’s weight. Come with the original out-of-state title of your vehicle and plan on completing the HSMV 82040 form while you are there. This can be performed at the same time with the use of the same appointment arranger. Immediately your driver’s license is updated, you will also want to change your Florida vehicle registration.

You can see the expiration date on the credential. Customers are required to renew their Florida Driver’s license or ID card every 8 years.